In 1984, a mare named Grecian Banner dropped a bay filly, not a very spectacular thing in a foaling barn; but to the racing world, this filly would become one of the greatest.
Her name was Personal Ensign. She was owned by Ogden Phipps, the same who had been "playing cards" with Penny Tweedy in the coin-flip for Secretariat. He had gotten the filly from his own mare, Grecian Banner, and stallion, Private Account. Grecian Banner's sire was Hoist the Flag, a very recognizable sire. And on both her paternal and maternal sides, this remarkable filly can trace her lines back to the famous War Admiral and the even more famous Man O' War. This, perhaps, helped her to do what she did.
Ridden by Randy Romero, the filly won her first race by thirteen lengths, easily breaking her maiden. She then won another, and was preparing for the Breeder's Cup Juvenile Fillies race when her left hind leg snapped in five different places. Everyone was sure that her small career was over, but Personal Ensign proved them wrong when she came out, stronger than ever, in 1987.
Many people believe that the Phipps were trying to keep her winning record from shattering in that she was raced in mainly easy races, and was not raced a lot; but this is not true. The Phipps were instead being very careful, as they knew that Personal Ensign's leg could be shattered very easily, especially if she was pushed hard. And so they stuck to the easy races.
No filly could have ever had more courage or the will to win, that is, except Ruffian. Personal Ensign would probably place second behind the greatest filly on the earth, or at least in the United States. (Go back a few posts to read about Ruffian)
Personal Ensign continued winning, and did not lose once. Her biggest win as a three-year-old was the Beldame Stakes, in which she beat older males instead of the usual females, a great feat for a filly.
1988, when Personal Ensign was four, was the greatest part of her career. She won such races as the Shuvee Stakes, Hempstead Stakes by seven lengths, the Maskette Stakes, the Whitney Handicap, and the greatest of all, the Breeder's Cup Distaff for older females.
In the Breeder's Cup Distaff, Personal Ensign went out the favorite at 1-2, with her biggest competitors being Winning Colors, the mare who had won the year before's Kentucky Derby, becoming the third to do so, and Goodbye Halo.
Personal Ensign broke from the gates rather slow, whereas Winning Colors went to the front and set the pace like in the Kentucky Derby. Goodbye Halo stayed in the pack. As the anxious crowds watched, Personal Ensign began to have trouble. She couldn't get a firm footing in the sloppy mud, like Winning Colors was doing. It looked as if she would not be near enough the finish line in the homestretch to win. She continued to go on, however, struggling to grip the mud.
The horses rounded the last turn, Personal Ensign still having a hard time and very far back. Winning Colors was still in front, coming down the homestretch with all the pride she could muster. She had certainly won.
But no, because in the last 110 yards, Personal Ensign gathered all the strength and courage she had, found a footing in the mud, and began to slowly edge down the stretch!!
Then disaster happened. Goodbye Halo decided to make her bid, and pulled out of the pack, putting Personal Ensign in a fix and wasting precious time. Personal Ensign finally edged her way around, and charged down the homestretch. As the horses crossed under the finish line, it was Winning Colors in front of the pack, with Personal Ensign right beside her!!!
After a few moments, the winner's name flashed up on the board: Personal Ensign had won by the tip of her nose!!!!
That day could not have been happier for the triumphant filly. This race was her thirteenth race, and she had not lost one. She would now go into a happy retirement, and become one of the greatest broodmares.
Personal Ensign foaled such horses as Miner's Mark, Our Emblem, and a filly, My Flag. My Flag was a Breeder's Cup Juvenile Fillies winner, and she foaled Storm Flag Flying, who also won the Breeder's Cup Juvenile Fillies. This was the first time that a mares of three generations had done such a feat, the only other time being when it was sires, not mares. This and the fact that Our Emblem sired near Triple Crown Winner, War Emblem, earned Personal Ensign the U.S. Broodmare of the Year Award.
Currently, Personal Ensign is retired from everything on Claiborne Farm. She is a little arthritic, but is still doing well.
So long to a champion worth remembering.
Personal Ensign is #48 on the Top 100 U.S. Racehorses of the 20th Century.