Saturday, December 15, 2007

Update on Missy

Missy is doing fine. We have gotten her out to our place now, which is really nice. She enjoys her canopy very much.

We got her some hay about one and a half to two weeks ago, and in the first week, she polished off over three of the alfalfa hay bales!!!! She's pretty round now.
Missy was giving me trouble you will not believe trying to catch her the other day. I chased her down to the bottom, and went to her head. She turned away from me, and I followed. We kept going in circles until I just got tired of it and let her get away. I then chased her up the hill, and finally she stopped. I caught her then. I was kicking myself for not catching her earlier, when she had let me walk up to her and pet her!!!!

We put Naomi up on her. She didn't care nonetheless. She was probably thinking, "Boy, this is much better than bearing all that 60 and more pounds!!!"